At the tourist information centres, you will obtain all the help you need to make your visit a fantastic and memorable experience. Here you’ll find maps, information about guided tours and town walks, tips for activities and a lot more. We look forward to seeing you.

Eksjö turistbyrå
Österlånggatan 31, 575 80 Eksjö
Tel: +46 (0)381-36170

Hjo turistbyrå
Bangatan 1B, 544 33 Hjo
Tel: +46 (0)503-352 55

Nora turistbyrå
Järnvägsgatan 1, 713 31 Nora
Tel: +46 (0)587-811 20


23 april, 2020

None of the three wooden towns are alike. Eksjö, Hjo and Nora all have their own distinctive character, yet have a lot in common. They have all received the Europa Nostra Award for their work on preserving and maintaining their unique buildings and env …