Aschanska gården

Aschanska gården

Aschanska is of the town’s oldest estates. It consists of two lots; the south lot, Pukegården, is known from tax rolls from 1550.

The Aschan family took over the present property in the 1830s and three generations lived here until 1984. They were part of the town’s high society of factory owners, district court judges and the like.

The Aschan home is now a museum where visitors can step back in time via the well-preserved interior of a burgher’s home.

Old-fashioned flowers and currant bushes bloom in the homestead’s Lillträdgården providing a haven of calm.

23 april, 2020

None of the three wooden towns are alike. Eksjö, Hjo and Nora all have their own distinctive character, yet have a lot in common. They have all received the Europa Nostra Award for their work on preserving and maintaining their unique buildings and env …